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Post 8

Hi Bloggers, today I’m going to answer 4 “controversial” questions about different topics: What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana and other drugs? The topic of drugs it’s especially personal for me, in first case, I recognize me an occasional consumer of “natural drugs”, like marijuana, mushrooms and rapé, and I consider that if I could give the right signification of each drug, might be beneficial for my health, entertaining or auto-knowledge. But also, I know that not all people can have the same relation with drugs, and the major part of drugs are dangerous and harmful. My opinion is that all adult people have the right to decide what to do with the own body, and the consume and possession of personal dose should not be penalized. But the traffic it’s completely different. (Marijuana and especially mushrooms must to be legal, because are so great)       W hat is your opinion about "vertical ghettos"? Are only one of the expressions of the...

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The Simpsons

Chile and its natural resources.