Post 6

Well, I´m not an university fan, so I´m not an anthusiast of stuying something after my current carreer, but i know i need to specialize in a specific área of geography to increaser the probability of earning more money. That is the reason why i would like to take a diplomat of Risk Management and/or a diplomat in Urbanism and perhaps a Geography Magister.

With this amount of knowledge i would feel prepaired to look for a job in a southern city of Chile, like Valdivia or Puerto Montt where i´d like to have a big field to learn how to grow fruit and vegetables and with this i´ll be able to learn about self sufficiency and food autonomy.

But if i get a good job and a good salary, i would like to learn crafts like lutheria to create and make my own instruments, one of my biggest dream is build a drum only using native wood (wood that ins´t in danger of extinction);  musical production to be capable to record and produce emergent artists  in a decent home studio  and percussion because there are many instruments that i love wich give you a wide spectrum of musical genres.

Hoping that you didn´t get bored reading this blog, i say goodbye with a  greeting in Christ.


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